Mammoth Mountain Avalanche Chutes

A Skier's Guide to the Terrain on Lincoln Peak off of Chair 22 logo


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thumb image link to virtual tour of Avalanche Chute Two at Mammoth Mountain Ski Resort
Avi Chute II

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Woolly, the Mammoth Mountain mascot

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Eastern Sierra Avalanche Center

Avalanche Chutes Terrain Description:
Avalanche Chutes at Mammoth Mountain

View looking up at "Avi Three" (left) and "Avi Two" (right)

Avalanche Chutes at Mammoth Mountain

View looking up from chute run-out (doesn't look too treacherous from here - don't be fooled)

The terrain at Mammoth Mountain off of chair lift 22 is some of the steepest and most challenging terrain anywhere. There are three chutes appropriately numbered Avalanche Chute I, II and III or nicknamed "Avi I", "Avi II" and "Avi III" (probably not an affectionate nickname but a practical one). The easy way down the chute face of the peak is on runs Viva, Shaft and Grizzly which are also rated "Double Black Diamond" but still less severe. Your only chance at an easy way off of the peak of Lincoln (top of lift 22) is to go straight off of the lift to the blue run "Solitude".

The Avalanche Chutes are in-bounds and do not pose an avalanche danger, it is just the name, the real fear is the grade of their incline.

WARNING!!!: Don't ski the Avalanche Chutes unless you are an advanced skier.

Trail map of Avalanche Chutes at Mammoth Mountain

Trail map of all three Avalanche Chutes at Mammoth Mountain

A typical run of either Avi chute 1, 2 or 3 is followed by the cat track "Follow Me" to the "The Acts". This will lead to the blue cruiser "Downhill" which will take you back to the base of chair 22. Take this lift to the top to do it all over again.

Also see our Mammoth Mountain resort guide and review and our back country guide to "Hole in the Wall".

Avalanche Chute One:
Avi I at Mammoth

Entrance to "Avi One"

Avalanche Chute One is the least known as most skiers do not know how to get to the entrance. This is often a bonus on a powder day after much of the mountain has been tracked up. At the top of lift 22 proceed straight past the Ski Patrol hut and look for the entrance on your right. Follow the edge of the fence line to the entrance of "Avi I". If snow coverage is limited, you will have to remove your skis and walk over the rocks. Actually this is an extra bonus as it will be a deterrent and save the powder stash for your arrival.

To get to Avalanche chute One:

Avi I at Mammoth Avi I at Mammoth Avi I at Mammoth
Go past the patrol station... Then turn right... Follow the fence line to chute I

Avalanche Chute Two:
Avalanche Chute Two at Mammoth

Entrance to Avalanche Chute II at Mammoth Mountain CA.

"Avi Two" is the most difficult run on Lincoln Peak and the entrance can be tricky (pay attention - no room for error). Turn hard right after getting off of lift 22 and you will immediately see the entrance of Avalanche chute II on your left.

Linked trail of four panoramic images: Avalanche Two (black diamond)
Best viewed in full screen mode. Hit the Esc key to return.
If it doesn't look that steep, descend to a lower vantage point and turn your view around so that you are looking up the run.

Avalanche Chute Three:
Avalanche Chute Three at Mammoth

Entrance to Avalanche Chute III at Mammoth Mountain CA.

Turn hard right after getting off of lift 22 and follow under the lift until you see the entrance of Avalanche chute on your left.


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